2024-2025 Canadian-Focused Display Ad Campaign Media Kit
You want to create brand awareness and encourage travelers from Canada to take the next step toward booking their dream vacation—Prospecting and Remarketing Display Ads do just that. Combining your vivid imagery and strong calls-to-action are our specialty, making your ad stand out. Madden’s experts are here to help you every step of the way.
rate information
sign up by june 30, 2024
what’s in it for you?
- Rich Canadian consumers interested in a Louisiana vacation. Showcase your unique business to a highly-qualified audience.
- Bring them back. A remarketing tag is placed on ExploreLouisiana.com allowing us to utilize geotaregting tactics to identify Canadian visitors already interested in a trip to Louisiana, and serve them ads. Remarketing traffic from ExploreLouisiana.com boosts your impact and reach.
- Complete campaign management. Custom ad creation, strategic targeting, and monthly reporting included with each package.

Danah Heye
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