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Travel Wyoming | Website

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Website Development

Travel Wyoming | Website

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The new needed a modernized web strategy that would shift away from traditional business listings and lean into showcasing inspirational and travel planning content to inspire visitation, provide original content that spoke to travelers’ interests, and connect travelers with trip planning resources.


We began by analyzing user engagement data from the old to find how travelers were using the site. Using these insights, we revamped the site map and top navigation, focusing on the high-level travel intents rather than a large menu listing everything on the website. The seamless top navigation encourages users to engage with the site and explore the content, finding things that align with their travel interests.


Travel Wyoming | Website
Travel Wyoming | Website


New page templates were developed to improve user experience. The redesigned site is now more clean and includes more images and video, moving away from what used to be blocks of unorganized text. We also rebuilt the listing and events features on the website, making them easier to navigate and use for both travelers and partners. Additionally, we leveraged SEO keywords to create new inspirational and educational stories.

Travel Wyoming | Website


A major element of the new is the custom, interactive destination map that was created in collaboration with Wyoming State Parks & Cultural Resources Outdoor Recreation Office and Wyoming Game & Fish. The custom map enables travelers to select activities they are interested in experiencing and the map spotlights the different locations in the state where they can find those activities. Pulling in 22 different data sources integrated into an all-inclusive map tool, travelers gain a helpful trip-planning tool that connects them with resources related to locations that fit their interests. The map provides a foundation for future integrations, such as a trip planner or immersive content.

Travel Wyoming | Website
Travel Wyoming | Website