2025 Branson Digital Marketing Program media kit
Digital media impacts the way we live and work. Explore Branson has a large digital footprint and is offering great packages to their partners. Reach out to learn more about the custom packages we can put together for your business.
rate information
sign up any time in 2024
Native Ads
Feature your business in formatted, advertorial text and pictures in the same font/style as Explore Branson’s editorial content. There is very limited availability for native ads; two spots on ExploreBranson.com will rotate between up to six advertisers per page.
- Single, horizontal photograph (no logos or other artwork)
- Headline (no more than 26 characters)
- Body Copy (no more than 200 characters)
- Click-through URL
- 120w x 106h at 72 DPI JPEG format
- Less than 10KB in size
Banner Ads
Partner-supplied banners appear on ExploreBranson.com and influence users as they seek information during travel planning. Three ads per page. All ad impressions are run-of-site.
- 300w x 250h
- Can include animation, but no sound or video
- Animation can loop, but entire loop should be 10 seconds or less
Featured Listing
Place your business at the top of the business listing section and before the randomly ordered listings.
Sponsored Event Calendar
Place your event at the top of the event listing section and before the date ascending listings.
ExploreBranson Email Newsletter
Reach a highly qualified list of Branson visitors with the Explore Branson newsletter. Sent monthly, the newsletter is a great channel to announce upcoming events and/or timely deals and to push visitors to your website.
Featured Sponsor: One available per month
Premium positions receive maximum exposure with a large call-out that links directly to your website.
- 223 X 136
- Title – up to 40 characters with spaces
- Copy – up to 450 characters with spaces
- Callout – up to 25 characters with spaces
- Link URL (can contain tracking code)
Deals & Packages: Three available per month
Drive conversions by advertising a special deal or package and setting your business apart from the competition.
- 190w X 180h
- Headline – up to 100 characters with spaces
- Copy – up to 300 characters with spaces
- Link URL (can contain UTM tracking code)
Promotional Ad: One available per month
Utilize this double-column photo opportunity that will catch the eye of the reader.
- 580w X 200h
- Headline – up to 100 characters with spaces
- Copy – up to 300 characters with spaces
- Link URL (can contain UTM tracking code)