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The Measurable Success of Amplified Storytelling

You’ve launched a strategy to make an emotional connection with potential visitors through Amplified Storytelling, the ultimate content campaign…how do you know it’s working? Let’s talk about what kind of metrics you want to focus on now that you’ve chosen an awesome marketing decision.

You’ve probably got a really cool website, with tons of beautiful pictures, catchy headlines, and now, inspirational and engaging stories. Good on you, smart marketer! So how do your stories make things even better? Amplified Storytelling, marketed through native ads, reaches new audiences, bringing in potential visitors from the top of the funnel. On average, a campaign will deliver 90% new visitors.  Yes, you read that right, 90% of the site visitors will be new to your brand, exploring and engaging with all that imagery, information, and of course, your stories.

The more time they spend, the deeper the connection grows

Amplified Storytelling.

Your carefully crafted site content captivates your new audience, making them feel immersed, thus increasing time spent on the page. The more time they spend, the deeper the connection grows, and the further they dive down the conversion funnel.  Plus, not only are users finding your story on their favorite site and choosing to click on it, Amplified Storytelling with its rich and deep text also reaches users organically through search engines and generates greater SEO value for your website as a whole.

Did we mention there’s an upgrade for all of this? Here’s how we make your story even cooler: a Presentation Layer. This option is ideal if you want to add captivating visual elements to your stories. They not only make your content more appealing with rich experiences optimized for desktop and mobile devices, but also invite the reader to engage with interactive photos, videos, and links. See what we mean here. On average, Presentation Layers double time on site, when compared to site averages.

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