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Great content needs smart distribution

Content without distribution is like a car without gasoline.

You want to inspire travelers with your content, but they have to find it first. That’s where smart and intentional distribution strategies come in. Last week we discussed the different types of content best utilized at each stage of the traveler journey. Promoting your content with various distribution channels at each stage of the journey is equally important—here are our suggestions for creating your strategy:

Promoting your content with various distribution channels at each stage of the journey is equally important.

Native Advertising

Imagine reading an article on one of your favorite sites. As you scroll down the page, you may see related or recommended articles on a side bar or at the bottom of the story, enticing you to click and keep reading. That’s how native ads draw readers in.

When you’re relaxed and not in a hurry, you’re more likely to opt-in to related content.

We love native ads because they catch readers when they’re likely to be in “leisure reading mode” and more open to exploring. When you’re relaxed and not in a hurry, you’re more likely to opt-in to related content. Most native ads are unobtrusive and flow with the page layout—typically they don’t look like an advertisement, just another piece of content to consume.

Our Recommendation: Utilize native ads for your experiential stories to maximize inspiration.

Social Media Marketing

We’ve talked about using social media to your advantage multiple times, but that’s because it’s so versatile! Whether you’re sparking that initial interest in your destination or ready to spur conversion, Facebook has your back.

Remember that not all content has to be words—imagery and video are engaging and can draw audiences in on multiple platforms. Have a fun behind-the-scenes video? Have a quick countdown of the best photo ops nearby? Think about the video length and what you hope to achieve before choosing YouTube, Facebook, or in-stream video.

Our Recommendations:

Get travelers dreaming with a stunning Instagram gallery.

Encourage planning with a fun Facebook Canvas Ad.


When someone you like tells you about a trip they took and posts really cool photos you’re more likely to pay attention, right? Whether you want an influencer to write and promote a blog post about their experience in your destination or simply make their audience aware of your destination through their social media outlets, there are advantages to partnering with influencers beyond the content itself.

Followers trust their favorite influencers—an ad probably wouldn’t be as meaningful to those audiences when compared to an endorsement from someone they admire.

Influencers show off your content in a way that doesn’t come off as “sales-y”, meaning partnering with them gives you the opportunity to create a genuine connection with audiences. Followers trust their favorite influencers—an ad probably wouldn’t be as meaningful to those audiences when compared to an endorsement from someone they admire.

Our Recommendation: Encourage your influencer to share their itinerary to get their followers imagining their own trips.

The Right Fit

Content and distribution go hand in hand. It’s important to pair the right content with the right distribution channel to make the biggest impact on your target audience.

Want to improve your distribution strategy? Contact our team to get started.