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Madden’s Latest DMO Tourism Industry Media Benchmarks – Q2 2024

Jun 18, 2024 / Megan Filak

In the dynamic world of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), understanding the performance of your media campaigns relative to industry-specific benchmarks can be the difference between a good strategy and a great one. That's why we at Madden are happy to share our DMO Tourism Industry Media Benchmarks at the end of each quarter. More

2024 IPW Takeaways

May 22, 2024 / Megan Filak

Each year U.S. Travel brings together travel buyers from around the world to connect with sellers of travel in the United States. It is a chance for destinations, attractions, accommodations, and more to showcase what makes them special, while also giving international tour operators, travel wholesalers, and writers an opportunity to see the diverse experiences offered across our country. More

Introducing Madden’s DMO Tourism Industry Media Benchmarks

Mar 07, 2024 / Megan Filak

In the dynamic world of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), understanding the performance of your media campaigns relative to industry-specific benchmarks can be the difference between a good strategy and a great one. That's why we at Madden are thrilled to announce the launch of our DMO Tourism Industry Media Benchmarks. More

The 12 Laws of AI – Law 12: The Law of Ascendency

Jan 23, 2024 / Megan Filak

The following is part of our blog series "The 12 Laws of AI." The series is a set of practical and philosophical guidelines for DMOs to work from as they explore the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI). Check out the previous blog in this series, "The 12 Laws of AI – Law 11: The Law of Creative Exploration" Law 12: The Law of Ascendency In 1942, an Austrian-American economist, Joseph Schumpeter, coined the paradoxical term 'creative destruction' to explain how economies and businesses develop under long waves of innovation. More

The 12 Laws of AI – Law 11: The Law of Creative Exploration

Jan 17, 2024 / Megan Filak

The following is part of our blog series "The 12 Laws of AI." The series is a set of practical and philosophical guidelines for DMOs to work from as they explore the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI). Check out the previous blog in this series, "The 12 Laws of AI – Law 10: The Law of Democratized Innovation" Law 11: The Law of Creative Exploration We humans are both creators and explorers, delving deep into uncharted territories for moments of pure revelation: the Creative Spark. More

The 12 Laws of AI – Law 10: The Law of Democratized Innovation

Jan 10, 2024 / Megan Filak

The following is part of our blog series "The 12 Laws of AI." The series is a set of practical and philosophical guidelines for DMOs to work from as they explore the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI). Check out the previous blog in this series, "The 12 Laws of AI – Law 9: The Law of Data Enlightenment" Law 10: The Law of Democratized Innovation "In the labyrinth of innovation, let AI serve as your compass and key, democratizing the corridors once reserved for the initiated few. More