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How iOS 14 Privacy Changes Impact Your Facebook Marketing

Apple’s and Facebook’s advertising platforms are ubiquitous for DMOs. New iOS 14 privacy changes and their effects on Facebook marketing will put limitations on the ability to track ROI on Apple devices. And while this update is still new and Facebook is still developing solutions, we will help you through it. 

Also read our latest insights about how iOS 15 privacy changes impact your email marketing.

What’s Changed?

Data Nutrition Label

All apps must submit information about their app’s data collection practices.

Tracking Transparency Prompt

App Store apps, including Facebook, must ask users for permissions to track them across third-party apps and websites.

Tracking via App/Browser APIs

Facebook and other platforms will need to use a new framework that restricts, aggregates, and delays event reporting.

Conversion Window

There will now be a seven day delay on attributions. 

What’s the Impact?

Reporting metrics will be more limited. This will lead to under-reporting on metrics. 

 If users opt-out of having their data collected, advertisers will have limited access to data on conversion events. For example, web traffic from the Facebook app to an advertiser’s website will no longer be captured if the user has opted out. Advertisers will also be limited to tracking eight conversion events.

Advertisers should prepare to:

How Does This Affect DMOs?

Expect a Decrease in Events and Reported Conversions

While the changes will lead to fewer conversion events being captured, it’s important to know that it is not a reflection of ineffective tactics. The decrease will likely be due to users opting out of having their activity data captured.

Smaller Remarketing Pool

When users opt out of having their data collected on the Facebook App, it creates a smaller pool of users advertisers are able to target with remarketing ads. 

(Maybe) Fewer Conversion Metrics

Advertisers will be limited to tracking eight conversion events on the Facebook app. DMOs don’t typically have that many conversions events, as this change is more specific to e-commerce advertisers. However, DMOs will have to streamline their tracked conversion events if they currently have more than eight they measure. 

How Should DMOs Respond?

Claim Your Domain

The first step Facebook recommends is claiming your domain on Facebook Business Manager.

Install Facebook’s Conversion API 

Released last year, this is designed to replicate much of the functionality of the Facebook PIXEL for tracking and measurement, except it is server-based rather than browser-based. Facebook recommends leaving both the browser-based pixel installation and Conversion API installed and let Facebook remove duplicates. 

Install Server-Side Tag Management

Clients that have a tag management solution to manage their pixels and additional scripts for their website, like Google Tag Manager, should consider server-side tag management.

Optimize Your Strategy

Earn the Opt-In 

Earn users trust and get them to opt in to having their data collected. Communicate that users’ data gives you the ability to create an engaging experience tailored to their interests. Be respectful and protective of their data—never misuse or share data with third parties. 

Review Existing Goals and KPIs

Don’t set yourself up for failure. Do not maintain existing KPI benchmarks or goals based on hitting certain thresholds in metrics that will be impacted.

Create Organic Strategies

Capturing metrics from paid tactics on Facebook will be more challenging. Rethink how you are using the platform and strategize ways to increase organic engagement.

Omni-channel Approach

Digital channels will remain at the forefront of media plans, but DMOs should also look to leverage traditional, out of home, and SEM tactics to complement their strategy. DMOs should also include PR and content marketing to ensure a holistic media approach.

Continue to Communicate Impact

While Facebook’s engagement metrics might go down due to the privacy changes, we know our partners’ impact is not decreasing. Destinations must evolve their KPIs to move beyond traditional campaign metrics. 

Madden provides our partners with destination intelligence modules that include data on visitations and tourism-related revenue. Your work has always been more than clicks and impressions. You should align your measurement program to capture impact metrics like visitors from key markets, hotel tax revenue, and in-destination spending. This approach will create a more holistic measurement strategy. 

Madden is helping our partners through this transition, and is standing by to help assist any DMO evolve their digital marketing programs to respond to the new iOs 14 updates. We’re here to work through ongoing media changes and optimize reporting to keep proving your organization’s value.

Read more about how to develop your Facebook marketing strategy.

Reach out today to discuss how we can help your team respond to iOS14 privacy changes